Health and Fitness Myths – Get Your Facts Straight


Come New Year and the gym is full of newbies – the people who make resolutions to get fitter. A week into the new year and there are no crowds to be seen anymore. Just the same fitness freaks. Where do all the newbies go?

It’s a common myth that New Year will bring a new change in your life and you’ll be able to achieve your fitness goals now. But the truth is that any day is as good as the New Year when it comes to planning a lifestyle change.

What other health and fitness myths are prevalent and are they true? Let’s cover some common myths here.

Myth 1: Exercise will Even Out Bad Eating Habits

You just had a workout so you’re entitled to two slices of cake. Right? Wrong! If you’re exercising and are actually noticing weight gain, it might be because you’re taking your eating habits casually. Walking for an hour will burn about 160-180 calories. One slice of black forest cake contains 450 calories. 

As you can see, you cannot compensate for a poor diet with exercising. Whether your goal is weight loss, muscle gain, or anything, you must take the right diet with the workout regime. 

Myth 2: Exercising on Empty Stomach Will Burn Fat Faster

Theoretically, this is correct. If you don’t have anything in your stomach, your body will HAVE to burn fat when you exercise. But in reality, your body might use muscle for fuel. This means you’ll have less energy for exercise. Plus, you’ll feel dehydration and lightheadedness.

Besides, exercising on an empty stomach can slow down metabolism which is bad for your fitness goals. The best thing to do is to eat a light meal about 90 minutes before the workout. 

Myth 3: You can Burn Up Last Night’s Binge Session With a Workout

All calories are not the same. The calories you consume from a salad are different than the calories you consume from a burger. So the fries you ate last night are going to stay for you for a while than the side salad you had.

Depending on the type of food you have, your hormones will burn or store far, crash or boost metabolism, or break down or build muscle mass. It’s okay to eat junk once in a while, but if you do it regularly, it’s going to stay with you for long and it will not burn off easily.

Myth 4: No Pain, No Gain

Post-workout soreness is one thing and pain is a different thing. Sometimes, when you over exercise, you might develop small microscopic tears in your muscles. This leads to inflammation. When you start feeling pain, don’t push past it. 

Listen to the pain and try to understand what your body is trying to say. If you’re feeling tightness in soft tissues, make sure the recovery day is all about mobility. Feeling soreness in your legs? The next day, work on the upper body.

And if you’re feeling a continuous pain in your joints or ligaments, show it to a doctor.

Myth 5: You Can Be Fat and Fit

If you’re overweight, you’re not fit. You’re at a greater risk for heart disease and diabetes. While being obese but fit is certainly better than being just obese, it’s best to shed off the extra weight and get fitter for better health and longer life.

Break the Myths

When you start working out, you’ll hear all sorts of myths. But before you follow them, make sure you check out their validity. While a simple Google search will help you differentiate the fact from myth, you can also ask a personal trainer about it.


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