Hosting a Party? Here’s How You Can Do it Easily


When you’re a host, you need to care for a lot of things. Your guests should be entertained. They should have plenty of food and drinks. Nobody should feel left out. All this is so overwhelming. How can one person take care of all these things?

Here are some tips to help you become a better host when you’re having guests over.

Hide clutter

Everyone has clutter in their home. This is especially true if you have a child or a pet. There are plastic toys, kids’ drawings, crayons, and so many other things just lying everywhere. First thing’s first – make sure the house is clean one day in advance. 

This will give you enough time to prepare other things for guests. 

Check the Bathroom

When we clean up the house, we often ignore the bathroom. Make sure you visit your bathroom once because that’s the room where the guests will definitely go. And they don’t need to see the kind of birth control you’re using.

Make sure you wipe the floor and clear out your personal items. Maybe even light a scented candle there and place a couple of extra rolls of toilet paper.

Plan some Activities

If you’re having guests over for the weekend, you need to have some activities planned so they don’t get bored. For example, if you have a pet and your guests are animal lovers, you can take them along to the dog park when walking your dog.

Some other activities are going for a movie, taking kids to the local playground, shop at a mall, visit a local museum, visit the zoo, visit the aquarium, go to a nice restaurant nearby, etc.

Stick to Familiar Foods

If you’re planning to prepare a rare French delicacy, just make sure you’ve already made it at least a couple of times before, and successfully. You don’t want a complete disaster on the day of your party. Also, the party day to-do list should be minimal so you can get enough time to mingle with others.

It’s best to go with crowd pleasing dishes that are easy and quick to make. Do the prepping beforehand and the final touches can be given when it’s time to eat.

Keep some Ready to Eat Snacks

Don’t assume that your guests won’t be hungry. Make sure you have some snacks ready when they arrive. No-cook snacks such as cheeses, cured meats, and nuts are a great option. While you prepare the meal, they can snack on these bits and relieve their hunger pangs.

Set up the Bar on Time

Your guests are going to arrive one by one and you’ll have to rush to each one to give them a drink. Instead of that, set up a bar and encourage the guests to pick up a drink as and when they need. Just keep some bottles of wine and enough glasses. Each one can pour their own wine and this will save you a lot of time.

In fact, keep the snacks such as cheeses and cured meats with the wine and the guests will be able to help themselves with the snacks.

Create a Playlist in Advance

Keep the music ready before the party starts. Depending on the mood of the party, create the right playlist. And set up the speakers on time. As the evening draws near, put on the music and you can keep working as the guests arrive.

Enjoy the Party

Once it’s all started, just enjoy the party. As a host, it’s your responsibility to make everyone feel happy. But this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t enjoy the party. Just kick back, relax, and have fun!


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